Monday, May 31, 2010

Did a Little Harvesting Today

The garlic is falling over, The onions not quite yet, but had to pick a few anyway. The beets are Chioggia.... my favorite! and on top is a purple Kohlrabi....... That's a nicea!

Radishes are just about always ready to pick.

Potatoes compliments Mother Nature.... can you beleive these came from a slice of potato peel in my compost pile? Mother Nature beat me again on this one as the ones I planted aren't ready yet.

And of course Snap Peas. I'm really happy with these Burpee Super Sugar Snap Peas. Unfortunately they will be withering away soon.


  1. What a great harvest! Love the kohlrabi - purple!

    I have just started my beets and potatoes so I have months still until mine are ready, I have a few peas starting and another month for garlic and onions. Here we are eating lettuce by the pound, spring onions, and the strawberries have started as well. what a difference.

    PS: I'm sure you do better with the purple carrots than me, so keep me updated!

  2. Thanks Stevie,
    I will. I like the name of your blog. Gardening is for sure the best medicine. I'm always telling my friends, instead of blowing all your dough on health clubs and shrinks, why don't ya just plant a garden.
    It must be nice in vancouver, never been there but i was looking for a place in the San Juan Islands.

  3. Nice looking radishes Ron! Venus picked a bundle of them last night for dinner -- plus some red leaf lettuce that -- surprisingly -- has not bolted in this heat. I thought it would have surrendered by now. Who knows? Maybe we've found that elusive summer lettuce we've been trying to find (without much luck). I even tried a lettuce hybridized in Israel of all places -- with the claim that it could withstand desert heat. It bolted faster than you can say Jiminy Cricket!
